Faith, Family & Fun

Faith, Family & Fun is a personal column written weekly by Joe Southern, a Coloradan now living in Texas. It's here for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave comments. I want to hear from you!

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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

My name is Joe and I am married to Sandy. We have four children: Heather, Wesley, Luke and Colton. Originally from Colorado, we live in Bryan, Texas. Faith, Family & Fun is Copyright 1987-2025 by Joe Southern

Wednesday, April 27

Area rich in history but poor in interest

On this spot in 1865, nothing happened.
That was on a plaque in my barber’s shop in Amarillo. It sums up some of my feelings about living in Colorado. The state has a very colorful history, but the place where I lived was seriously lacking in local lore.
It was hard to get excited about being in a place that gold miners passed through on their way to the mountains above Boulder. Oh, that and the town I lived in was a railroad stop and had a huge sugar beet depot. Woo-hoo.
What I did find interesting was that Arapaho Indians used to live in what is now the village of Niwot, which means Left Hand and is named after an Arapaho chief.
Texas, on the other hand, is loaded with history. I’ve been immersing myself in the War for Texas Independence and really relishing the abundance of historical information and artifacts that are available now for the 175th anniversary. Maybe I’m just a history geek, but it seems to me there should be a lot more interest in local history than what I’ve seen. Perhaps you natives grew up with it pushed at you from all directions in your youth and it’s lost its appeal.
I find it fascinating that the Runaway Scrape passed through Waller County and that the Twin Sisters cannons were delivered to Sam Houston just south of Hempstead at Bernardo Plantation. While the event itself may not be monumental, it is significant in the war because those guns were paramount in the decisive outcome of the Battle of San Jacinto.
Without the cannons, the Texian Army would have likely lost and Texas would be part of Mexico. Just think, the city of Houston could easily have been the city of Santa Anna. The San Jacinto monument could be marking the place where Mexico won final victory in the war. The battle cry “Remember the Alamo” would have a very different meaning.
Viva Texas! Viva Sam Houston!

Live debt free
Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law, I have fairly recently became a fan of Dave Ramsey. If you don’t know Dave, you should. He is a Christian radio talk show host who informs people how to eliminate debt in their lives. I’ve been listening to some CDs my mother-in-law, Jerry “Grammy” Snyder, loaned us, and it’s eye-opening how simple it is to live a debt-free life.
I did say it was simple, but it also requires hard work. Some of Dave’s staples include: living on less than you make; shredding your credit cards; saving money to buy the big-ticket items you want (house, car, etc.); saving and investing a portion of your income; and, as he is fond of saying, “live life like no one else so that you can live life like no one else.”
Dave is a very dynamic and energetic speaker. You can hear him on the radio locally at 700 AM KSEV in Houston from 2 to 4 p.m. and 1510 AM KAGC in Bryan from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. He is also online at He will speak live in Houston on Oct. 8. Ticket information is on his website.
I still struggle with finances. Other than my car payment, however, I have almost no debt. I haven’t had a credit card for several years, though I do have a debit card tied to my checking account. The economy makes it difficult for my family to make ends meet, but it has taught us how to live in a thrifty way.
Right now the Texas Legislature is contemplating a measure that would allow casino gambling in the state. I hope they are smart enough to turn it down. While they’re at it, they can take away the lottery as well.
As Dave will tell you, the lottery just a tax on the poor and those who are bad at math. Have you ever wondered why you don’t see wealthy people buying lottery tickets? If you want to win the jackpot, take the money you throw away on the lottery and invest it in an interest-bearing account. It’s guaranteed to make you a winner each time. That’s advice you can take to (and from) the bank. Try doing that with a lottery ticket or at a casino.
Alan Ahlgrim, a pastor of mine back in Colorado, preached an annual sermon on the 10-10-80 plan. It’s great advice. You tithe 10 percent of your income to the church, save another 10 percent and live off the remaining 80 percent. That requires some budgeting and sacrifice, but the long-term reward is worth it.


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