Faith, Family & Fun

Faith, Family & Fun is a personal column written weekly by Joe Southern, a Coloradan now living in Texas. It's here for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave comments. I want to hear from you!

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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

My name is Joe and I am married to Sandy. We have four children: Heather, Wesley, Luke and Colton. Originally from Colorado, we live in Bryan, Texas. Faith, Family & Fun is Copyright 1987-2025 by Joe Southern

Monday, January 8

Chainsaws and other manly things

What is it about operating a chainsaw that makes a guy feel manly?

After spending half a day cutting away at a downed tree, hauling logs, doing chainsaw maintenance, and getting covered in oil and sawdust, I felt that good kind of tired that comes with a feeling of accomplishment.

I felt tough and smelled just as bad. I then got into our beat-up old 2000 Ford F250 diesel pickup truck and hauled a load of trash to the dump. Still covered in grime, holding a steaming mug of black coffee in one hand and the steering wheel in the other while listening to some classic tunes, I rumbled down the road with that manly feeling that I haven’t had in a few years. Decades of white-collar work will do that to a fella. But there I was, owning my manliness and feeling invincible.

We don’t have our hobby farm operating yet at our new place in Bryan, but every day we inch closer. Every time I clear brush, build something, or do any kind of mowing or heavy lifting I get the satisfaction of clawing closer to that dream. I used to have a poster in college of an elaborate sandcastle. It said “Fashion a dream and make it come true.” That’s what we’re doing here and it feels good … feels manly!

Growing up on a one-acre farm, I never realized what hauling all those hay bales, lifting sacks of grain, and shoveling manure were doing to me. Back then it was hard work and I hated doing it. Now I see how it was building not only muscle, but character. It was forging in me a love of the land and a heart for animals. Now I’m doing it again, only the muscles hurt, the back aches, but my heart yearns for more.

There’s a lot of grunts and growls like Tim Allen on “Home Improvement.” There are also a lot of moans and groans, a few Band-Aids, ice packs, and heat wraps, but we’re making progress. That progress, however, is about to slow down some more thanks to the weather, the holidays, and a new full-time job.

This week I’m starting a new job as a delivery driver for a FedEx contractor. (Don’t worry, I’m still contributing to the newspaper. That won’t change.) I have very little experience in the blue-collar world, so this should be interesting. I’ll keep you posted.

Although the tough, physical aspect of manliness is making a refreshing return to my life, I have been doing manly things all along. Helping raise children, providing for my family, being active in church, and volunteering in the community are all manly things, but in a different sort of way. And I’m still doing those things.

Over the years I’ve written a lot about the importance of manhood and the need for strong male leadership. I feel that more now than ever. I think back to my days in Promise Keepers and how coach Bill McCartney would remind men that every man needs a woman to love, a dragon to slay, and a kingdom (home) to lead. It’s essential to being a man.

I do have a woman to love and we have a new kingdom that we’re building. My dragon is my comfort zone. I’ve been afraid to do the hard work. I’ve been afraid to get out of my comfort zone and try new things, especially something that’s physically demanding. I’m not afraid anymore. Life is too short to be a coward. New adventures and new horizons await. It’s time to embrace them and become the man I thought I was.

And speaking of a woman to love, my much younger trophy wife just celebrated a milestone birthday and I want to give a big shout-out to Sandy. I love you, Sweetheart!

We had a house full of family, friends, and neighbors as we combined her birthday with a house warming party on Saturday. It was fun, even if it was cold, overcast, and muddy. We surprised Sandy by having her sister and niece come visit from South Carolina, where they currently live. Our brother-in-law is an Army chaplain and was just promoted to colonel. He and our nephew were not able to come, but trust me, they were busy doing manly things over the weekend.

As I prepare to start my new job, I find myself picking up trash, washing dishes, doing laundry, and all those domestic necessities while Sandy works from home. I don’t mind doing the work, but believe me, I’m dreaming about building a chicken coop and rabbit hutches and going after those trees with my chainsaw again.

Arh, ooh, rah, Aeuhhhhh!


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