Faith, Family & Fun

Faith, Family & Fun is a personal column written weekly by Joe Southern, a Coloradan now living in Texas. It's here for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave comments. I want to hear from you!

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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

My name is Joe and I am married to Sandy. We have four children: Heather, Wesley, Luke and Colton. Originally from Colorado, we live in Bryan, Texas. Faith, Family & Fun is Copyright 1987-2025 by Joe Southern

Monday, September 26

Do you want to lose weight and get out of debt?

Why do we have to make the simplest things so complicated? Take for example the obesity epidemic. By definition, I am morbidly obese. I am working to change that. The most effective way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.
That’s it. No fad diets. No magic pills. No surgery. Just plain, old fashioned self-control. Apparently to most of us, it’s no fun to lose weight naturally. We want the quick fix. We want to be thin and we want it now. We want it bad enough to spend billions each year on weight loss products and services, but we don’t want it bad enough to do it ourselves. We don’t want it bad enough to do the hard work of resisting temptation at the table and TV throughout the evening to get ourselves in the condition we desire.
As motivational speaker Zig Ziglar puts it, he used to be overweight on purpose. “I never did put anything into my mouth by accident.” He also discovered that his body retains ice cream. He decided to eat less and start jogging each day with a goal to lose 1.9 ounces a day. Wouldn’t you know it; the weight came off and stayed off. Not only that, but he felt better and was more energized than ever.
Another simple truth is that if you want out of the pit of debt, stop digging. No one has ever spent their way to prosperity. Unfortunately, that lesson is lost on President Obama. He subscribes to the Robin Hood theory of soaking the rich to give to the poor. He proposes raising taxes on the rich while at the same time giving away billions of dollars in the name of job creation.
Here’s a thought – instead of punishing financial success to reward complacency and failure, why don’t we leave job creation to the wealthy and help the poor to help themselves become wealthy? You know, a hand up instead of a hand-out.
Under Obama – who gave us bailouts, stimulus funds, Obamacare and now a jobs bill – our nation has plunged trillions into debt. Most of that debt is owned by China – Communist China. We have a massive trade imbalance with China. They buy our debt, we buy their goods and all of our money goes overseas. For a communist country, China is teaching us a lesson in capitalism.
Here is a novel idea – let’s try spending less than we take in. Let’s start paying off our debts. Let’s get back to manufacturing goods and selling them to China. That would be turning the tables on them. It’s the American way, or at least it used to be.
We need to wean ourselves off of government-funded social and welfare programs and push people to live responsibly and to care for themselves, their families and their neighbors. It’s not the role of government to do that. Obama, however, doesn’t see it that way. He thinks government should take care of everything. He’s the typical tax-and-spend liberal who gets elected into office by promising a chicken in every pot and a flu shot in every arm, all paid for by the people who have the gall to make money and get ahead in life.
Do you suppose if we got away from our computers, television sets and video games and actually set out to physically work harder to produce more and better products that we might actually see the obesity epidemic melt away and financial prosperity return? Could it really be that simple? What if we put a huge effort into green living? What if we created modes of transportation that didn’t depend on fossil fuels or pollute the environment? What if we built and powered our homes with renewable resources? Gosh, that might mean putting people to work and helping save the planet at the same time!
I guess I should stop here. These ideas are just too radical for the typical American and American politician to comprehend. Maybe I should just grab my laptop, drive a few blocks to the nearest coffeehouse and browse the Internet while sipping a $5 cup of frothy, sweet coffee and thinking of more radical ways of making life better for all of us.
That, after all, has become the American way.


Anonymous Rachel said...

You should see what actual doctors say about the benefits of meditation for weight loss.

September 27, 2011 5:10 PM  

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