Faith, Family & Fun

Faith, Family & Fun is a personal column written weekly by Joe Southern, a Coloradan now living in Texas. It's here for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave comments. I want to hear from you!

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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

My name is Joe and I am married to Sandy. We have four children: Heather, Wesley, Luke and Colton. Originally from Colorado, we live in Bryan, Texas. Faith, Family & Fun is Copyright 1987-2025 by Joe Southern

Tuesday, May 2

Our food supply is slowly killing us

There is more than a 99% chance you’re an addict and don’t even know it.

Your mind and body have been altered at the cellular level.

Dire warnings issued by scientists over 30 years ago have come true.

If you are among those caught up in epidemics of obesity, diabetes, ADD/ADHD, transgenderism (and other sexual disorders), brain fog, depression, autism, dementia, cancer, arthritis, and a host of other maladies that have been on a rapid rise in recent years, know that you are not alone. There is good news and bad news. Some or all of these things are most likely caused by our food supply.

Intentional or otherwise, there is a dollar-driven conspiracy between our government, Big Food, and Big Agriculture that is poisoning us, leading Americans and the people of most industrialized nations to a slow, painful, and early death.

If this sounds alarmist, it is. I also believe it to be true. I’m not kidding. In the past few months I have listened to several audiobooks written by different doctors and specialists, each researching various aspects of diet and all drawing the same, frightening conclusions.

Unless you’re among the less than 1% of the population who was vaginally born, breast fed as a baby, and have maintained a lifelong diet of natural, unprocessed organic food, you have been physically and mentally altered by the very sources you trust and depend on the most. That includes me and probably everyone who is reading this.

If you have ever eaten packaged food with long ingredient lists loaded with chemicals, dyes, preservatives, or emulsifiers; drunk a soft drink or sports drink; had anything with artificial sweeteners; eaten white bread (or any bread or wheat product in the last 70 years); or consumed any produce not certified organic, you have had stuff that is bad for your health. And the food industry manipulates it to increase food cravings, much like a drug addict.

Now, before you check out or write me off as some kind of weirdo or nut job, hear me out. In 2019 I started the keto diet and lost over 60 pounds. I wanted to know more about the diet, how it works, and what it was doing to my body, so I started listening to audiobooks about it. That led me through a series of books, each building on and supporting what I had already learned.

What I discovered was scary and depressing but it also gave me hope. At the heart of it all is what our modern diet has done to our microbiome. That’s the bacteria and fungi living in our digestive tract. We are symbiotic creatures and we need these microscopic organisms to help us digest our food and convert it into the essential nutrients we need to live. The problem is the stuff we call food has killed off many strains of these microbes and has seriously and permanently altered us as human beings.

All the maladies I mentioned earlier are direct and indirect results of what eating fake, processed food has done to us. Those of you old enough probably remember the heated debates in the 1980s about whether or not the Food and Drug Administration should approve Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as safe for consumption?

Top scientists warned us that we didn’t know enough about their impact on us and our environment to allow it. The FDA ignored those warnings and sided with Big Food and Big Ag in allowing GMOs into our food stream. They should have listened to the experts. The results are coming in and it’s not good. Produce made to be resistant to insects and disease and increase yields are also resistant to the microorganisms in our digestive system.

On top of that, the pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used on our produce is harming us. The same goes for the growth hormones and other medications given to the livestock we eat. Even the packaging – with the blessing of the FDA – is leaching harmful chemicals into our food.

According to the authors I have read, this and other related issues has resulted in brain-essential nutrients being denied to us in our formative years. The result is failure of the brain to develop properly, causing mental and emotional problems.

If you’ve ever wondered why there is an epidemic in mass shootings, suicide, gender confusion, denial of facts, the inability of young people to form relationships with people of the opposite sex, and a number of other things that we consider abnormal, it’s not cultural, it’s dietary and biological. At least that is where the evidence is pointing. The alteration of our food – primarily wheat – has altered human development.

Babies no longer receive all the good microbes and immunity they normally would from their mothers because their mothers don’t have it to pass on. The result, according to the experts, are brains that are not fully developed with the hormones necessary for complete emotional and sexual development. It impairs judgement and our ability to form relationships. This doesn’t even consider what is happening to us physically.

I can’t begin to discuss in a few paragraphs here what the experts have written in numerous books. I will follow up with more next week. In the meantime, don’t take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. These are my sources:

• “Wheat Belly” and “Super Gut” by William Davis;

• “Formerly Known as Food” by Kristin Lawless;

• “Brain Food” by Lisa Mosconi;

• “Unlocking the Keto Code” by Steven Gundry;

• “End of Craving” by Mark Schatzker; and

• “Food: What the Heck Should I Eat” by Mark Hyman.

Joe Southern is the managing editor of the Wharton Journal-Spectator and the East Bernard Express. He can be reached at


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