Faith, Family & Fun

Faith, Family & Fun is a personal column written weekly by Joe Southern, a Coloradan now living in Texas. It's here for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave comments. I want to hear from you!

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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

My name is Joe and I am married to Sandy. We have four children: Heather, Wesley, Luke and Colton. Originally from Colorado, we live in Bryan, Texas. Faith, Family & Fun is Copyright 1987-2025 by Joe Southern

Thursday, October 17

It’s National Make Up a National Day Day

I have decided that today is National Make Up a National Day Day.
Be sure to post it to Facebook and all of your social media sites and share it with everyone!
The purpose of National Make Up a National Day Day is to make sure that nothing worth recognizing gets left out. After all, we have national days for just about everything, especially food. I’ve lost count of the number of National Taco Days we’ve had this year. I can recall several pizza days, donut days, hamburger days, ice cream days, popcorn days, and, not to be forgotten, the inevitable upcoming National Pumpkin Spice Day.
For the record, according to, Sept. 26 is National Compliance Officer Day, National Dumpling Day, National Johnny Appleseed Day, National Shamu the Whale Day, National Pancake Day (again!), and National Situational Awareness Day.
I guess since it is National Situational Awareness Day that it is only appropriate that we also make today National Make Up a National Day Day to help you better be aware of the situation around you. If you’re aware enough about something to make up a day about it, then that mission is accomplished!
To get us started, I’m going to declare that Jan. 2 is National Stay on Your Diet, You Can Do This Day. This will be followed on the first Monday after Jan. 2 with National Get Back on Your Diet Day. In fact, there should be multiple observances of National Get Back on Your Diet Day. They should come the day after the Super Bowl, your birthday, every legitimate holiday, and the day after every national day involving food – which is pretty much every day.
Actually, after doing some very careful deductive reasoning (AKA daydreaming), and probing no deeper than the depths of my imagination, I have concluded that there is someone working at Facebook who has found the answer to getting his or her colleagues to buy lunch or bring snacks to work pretty much every day.
If they get a craving for something, they make a meme about it being that national day (for example, National Hawaiian Pizza Day), and spread it widely across the platform. Inevitably someone sees it, gets a craving, and brings pizza topped with Canadian bacon and pineapple to the office. The next thing you know there is a run on Hawaiian pizzas at all the pizza chains and local pizzerias. Come to think of it, maybe there is collusion between Facebook and Pizza Hut!
I guess the next national day I’d like to propose is National Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Day. Oh wait, I just looked it up; it’s May 18. Darn, I don’t want to wait that long.
Of course, not all national days involve food (though they should!). We have had multiple siblings days, cousins days, take a pet/child/whatever to work days, teachers days, first responders days, cancer awareness days, nurses days, dog days, green days, yesterdays, etc.
Some others I’d like to see include National Sleep an Hour Longer Day, National Hug a Journalist Day, National Stop the Political Rhetoric Day, National Rest on a Beach with a Drink with a Tiny Umbrella in it Day, and, the ever popular National Stop Tom Brady and the New England Patriots From Going Back to the Super Bowl Day.
Actually, the latter is a weekly celebration that has been carried out with dismal results for many years across the NFL. That’s why we need it so bad, to help inspire the other 31 teams! Of course, the Jets, Bills, and Dolphins won’t participate; they never do.
Moving on, another national day I think we need in this country is National Underdog Day. It used to be called National Losers Day, but underdog is much more inspiring. It might also help the aforementioned Jets, Bills, and Dolphins.
I was going to suggest that we need a National ’80s Rock Music Day, but that’s pretty much every day for me. I like the idea of a National Star Wars Day, but we already have May the Fourth (be with you).
As we get older, I find it important to have a National Day of Remembrance (remembering where I put my keys, glasses, phone, etc.)
The more I think about it though, the more I like the national food days best. Is anyone else interested in National Dark Chocolate Day? How about National Cherry Glazed Donut Day or National Fried Pickle Day? Shoot, if I keep this up, I’m going to need a whole lot more National Get Back on Your Diet Days.


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