Faith, Family & Fun

Faith, Family & Fun is a personal column written weekly by Joe Southern, a Coloradan now living in Texas. It's here for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave comments. I want to hear from you!

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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

My name is Joe and I am married to Sandy. We have four children: Heather, Wesley, Luke and Colton. Originally from Colorado, we live in Bryan, Texas. Faith, Family & Fun is Copyright 1987-2025 by Joe Southern

Saturday, December 30

Facing the Giants

The acting is sub-par.
The plot is unoriginal and predictable.
I cried like a baby.
I want to see it again.
It's one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen.
If you have not seen "Facing the Giants" you're missing out. The film, made by and starring ministers and members of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga., is the story of a high school football coach who has known more failure than success both on and off the field.
The story centers around coach Grant Taylor, whose team has not had a winning season in six years. Parents are conspiring with an assistant coach to dump him. His beater of a car keeps breaking down. Something in his house is causing a stink and things keep falling apart. His wife, Brook, longs to become a mother, but they can't get pregnant despite years of trying.
Taylor's whole world is collapsing around him when he turns everything over to God. He commits to doing his best and trusting God with the outcome. The result, of course, is a very predictable underdog ending (which I will not share here just in case you haven't seen it or can't figure it out). It's the journey that makes this film so wonderful.
I think one of the reasons this movie resonates with me is the fact I can see myself in so many of the scenarios. I can also see where I could have succeeded better in high school football if I had a coach who would have pushed me like Coach Taylor pushes player Brock Kelley. I was often pushed past my limits, but never pushed individually to do my best. That scene created some emotionally painful flashbacks.
The scene where Grant and Brook are gathered around the table in tearful, heartfelt prayer has been played out several times in my life. So has the scene with the anonymous gift. I've felt those joys and pains. It was all so real ... too real.
I find myself at the crossroads of life where Coach Taylor was when he turned things around. I haven't tasted the success yet. But I know it's all in God's hands and I will praise Him win or lose. It is on that note that I commit my new beginning as the Faith and Family reporter for the Amarillo Globe-News. Whether I succeed or fail, it will all be done to the Glory of God or not at all. No matter what measure is used to judge that success, I will strive to hit the mark to the best of my ability.
But whatever happens, my reward will not be here on this earth, but in Heaven with my Lord and Savior. And if I have done my job well, many others who do not know Jesus at this time will join me. There can be no greater success than that.


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